Baby Boy & Girl Congratulations Bouquet
Congratulations Baby bouquet, two options are available in this design pink and blue for either a baby girl or boy. Bouquest is personalized with babies name.
Please note that photos are intended as a reference and some photos may include other products (not included in the price) to create context. Please read carefully the name of the product and what it includes.
Our balloon arrangements are individually handcrafted and are never identical. Substitutions may be made at our discretion with the intention to achieve best overall design results.
Please note that photos are intended as a reference and some photos may include other products (not included in the price) to create context. Please read carefully the name of the product and what it includes.
Our balloon arrangements are individually handcrafted and are never identical. Substitutions may be made at our discretion with the intention to achieve best overall design results.Refund Policy
We process orders as they are received, due to the customization of our products all sales are final, unfortunately we do not offer refunds or returns.